Hi, I’m Calvin! I’m a writer on a mission to empower 10 million people to live a more fulfilling life. I’m excited that you’re here.
This site exists to improve the quality of your life. If you poke around, you’ll find book summaries, essays, reading lists, and scholarships to help you find balance and meaning in your career, relationships, health, and personal life.
To get the most out of the site, sign up for Life Reimagined. You’ll receive a short weekly email with ideas and resources that will enrich your life and business.
“Calvin’s newsletter is for high achievers who don’t want to live a life unfulfilled. He will challenge you to grow yourself and those around you.” – Dror, CEO of Bold.org.
My Story in 10 Seconds
I grew up poor in a single parent home, worked my ass off, studied at Princeton, lost my mentor to cardiac arrest, worked on Wall Street, grew a business while traveling the world, lost my mom to suicide, and ignited my mission to empower 10 million people to live a more fulfilling life.
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