Defying Cultural Gravity

People blame bad luck and political enemies for their dissatisfaction, but cultural gravity is the real culprit. This article explores how you can question the default path and defy gravity.

The Nuance of Privilege

Privilege is our blindness to things that are visible to someone whose life is different from ours. This essay explores how and why we need to see the nuance of privilege.

How to Be Unpersuasive

If you want to be persuasive, spread ideas, and elevate causes, you need to avoid these 5 common mistakes that prevent you from being effective.

A Simple Investing Guide for Growing and Protecting Your Money

After losing $50,000 in the market with one bad investing decision, I created this written strategy to help me avoid such costly mistakes in the future. This investing guide is my attempt to learn from and make meaning of my experience. It outlines my investing beliefs, principles, and strategy.

Naked Yoga, Breathwork, and Ecstatic Dance

My experience with naked yoga, breathwork, sound healing, and ecstatic dance. Learn how these practices can challenge your worldview, deepen your consciousness, and enhance the quality of your life.

What is the Meaning of Life?

Get the answer to the big question: What is the meaning of life? Learn how to confront nihilism and find meaning in your life.

How to Set and Achieve Meaningful Goals

This in-depth goal-setting guide will teach you how to evaluate your life, set inspiring and smart goals, and execute on a vision that will improve the quality of your life. It includes free templates and resources.

How to Read a Nonfiction Book

Nonfiction books can radically transform your life. This article teaches you a simple system that will allow you to understand, retain, and apply the key lessons and insights from the nonfiction books you read.