Books in Foundations

Get Curated Insights from 100+ Great Books

Foundations is built for curious, lifelong learners.  Accelerate your learning, solve hard problems, and save time with the growing digital collection of curated insights from  100+ timeless books.

Books in Foundations
"Foundations is my go-to resource for finding and learning from timeless books. Calvin does a phenomenal job of distilling key insights from books into lessons that you can use to improve your life and business."
Steph Smith, Executive at The Hustle

How Foundations Works

See summaries and key takeaways for 100+ books, and use the insights to improve your life. Check out the video below for a quick tour of the product.

Foundations Will Help You…

🚀 Quickly skim key takeaways before deciding if you want to buy a book.

📚 Find books and insights that help you solve a problem.

🤓 Learn new principles that will help you sound smarter and live better.

🧠 Remind yourself about lessons from books you read a long time ago.

What Types of Books Will I Find?

Foundations has a rapidly growing lists of 100+ books. Most of the books are non-fiction books that span across 14 different categories, including Business, Philosophy, Personal Growth, Investing, Psychology, and more.

A few of the books you will find are When Things Fall Apart, The Lessons of History, The Obstacle is the Way, Ender’s Game, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, The Life You Can Save, The Ware of Art, Shoe Dog, When Breath Becomes Air, Barbarian Days.

Readers from Google, Princeton, Stanford, and Y Combinator

Ready to Get Started?

Foundations grows and evolves over time. Every month, you will get access to new books and summaries. As your life and needs evolve, you’ll find new value in the resource. 

You pay once and you get lifetime access. If you were to buy and read all of these books yourself, you’d spend thousands of hours and dollars to get the same information.

Foundations is currently $25. The price will increase to $50 once there are 150 books.

"I buy 50+ books a year. Often I'm just hoping a book will be good. Foundations is the roadmap I was missing."
Dror Liebenthal, CEO of

Foundations FAQ

Who created Foundations? Calvin Rosser, the writer and startup operator who created this site. 

Why should I read your notes? 

  • I read most books with the intention of finding the most useful and helpful insights. Basically, I’m a nerd who enjoys distilling large amounts of information into easily digestible lessons that you can apply to your life. I’ve been sharing insights online for many years. 
  • Over 1.2 million people have visited my personal blog, and nearly 5,000 people trust me in their inbox every Sunday.
  • Instead of spending thousands of hours reading and buying the books yourself, you can use Foundations to more quickly understand the relevant takeaways.
  • I add additional insight to key lessons from books by applying what I’ve learned from visiting nearly 50 countries while building a career that includes time as an M&A investment banker, a growth marketer at various startups, and years of writing and podcasting as an online creator.

How will I get access to the product? Once you purchase Foundations, you will receive an email with access to the product within 24 hours.

What if I don’t use Coda? It’s not a problem! You can quickly create a free account and can access Foundations.

What if I don’t like the product? If you purchase Foundations and don’t find that it’s worth your money in the first 30 days of using the product, I will happily process a refund for you.

Who can I contact with questions? You can email Calvin at [email protected]. Please use the subject line: “Foundations Question.”

How will I know about new book additions? If you’re on my email list, I’ll let you know about all new additions each week in my newsletter! You can subscribe below.

Let’s Stay in Touch!

To get the most out of the site and receive the latest book notes, sign up for Life Reimagined. You’ll receive a short bi-monthly email with ideas and resources that will enrich your life and business.

“Calvin’s newsletter is for high achievers who don’t want to live a life unfulfilled. He will challenge you to grow yourself and those around you.” – Dror, CEO of
Dror Liebenthal
CEO of